In our never-ending quest to build upon and improve our center ice archive, we are excited to announce a new feature. We are now creating Stanley Cup Playoffs/Final rink layouts.
While the playoff ice layouts in recent seasons have been far from exciting, the league has had a history of adding a little flair to the rink in the post-season. We will begin building out this history in the NHL Center Ice Archive. These will be kept separate from the main center ice timeline. To view these rinks, switch the Regular Season dropdown to "Stanley Cup Playoffs" or "Stanley Cup Final" option.

The League stopped using Playoff Logos on ice following the Pandemic when they learned that they could make money off of that spot instead. The only change with rinks since then has been the league mandated playoff ads in the four corners of the rink.
We are adding a little attention to detail regarding how the teams go about swapping out/adding logos. Some teams repaint the ice for the playoffs, while others just add sponsors/playoff logos and then freeze more water over that. This leads to the new logos looking much brighter than the older markings. Unfortunately, most teams have to do this because of scheduling and lack of time to prepare the ice.
Keep watching for more ices to be added. FYI: You can see recent ices that have been added by clicking the Center Ice tab in the navigation bar at the top of the site.